
Clemente, T., G. Kishore, T. Mitsky, D. Stark. 1998. Rhodospirillum rubrum poly-fl- hydroxyalkanoate synthase. U.S. Patent No. 5,849,894

Zhang, Z., A. Xing, P. Staswick, T. Clemente. 1999. The use of glufosinate as a selective agent in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of soybean Plant Cell, Tiss. Org Cult. 56:37-46.

Hinchee, M.A., T.E. Clemente, D. Conner-Ward, M.J. Fedele, J.E. Fry, A.R. Howe, R.J. Rozman. 1999 Method for transforming soybean. U.S. Patent No. 5,959,179.

Clemente, T., B.J. LaValle, A.R. Howe, D.C. Ward, R.J. Rozman, P.E. Hunter, D.L. Broyles, D.S. Kasten, M.A. Hinchee. 2000. Progeny analysis of glyphosate selected transgenic soybeans derived from Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Crop Sci. 40:797-803.

Campbell, B.T., P.S. Baenziger, A. Mitra, S. Sato, T. Clemente. 2000. Inheritance of multiple transgenes in wheat. Crop Sci. 40:1133-1141.

Xing, A., S. Sato, P. Staswick, Z. Zhang, T. Clemente. 2000 The use of the two T-DNA binary system to obtain marker-free transgenic soybeans. Cell. Dev. Biol. 36:456-463

Clemente, T.E., D. Shah, M. Tran, D. Stark, S. Padgette, D. Dennis, K. Br¸kner, A. Steinb¸chel, T. Mitsky. 2000. Sequence of PHA synthase gene from two strains of Rhodospirillum rubrum and in vivo substrate specificity of four PHA synthases across two heterologous expression systems. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 53:420-429.

Rodriguez, R.M., C. Haseltine, K. Huess-LaRossa, T. Clemente, J. Soto, P. Staswick, P. Blum. 2000. Autohydrolysis of plant polysaccharides using transgenic hyperthermophilic enzymes. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 70:151-159

Luo, Z,Q., T.E. Clemente, S.K. Farrand. 2001. Construction of an Agrobacterium C58 derivative that does not mutate to tetracycline resistance. Mol. Plant. Micro. Int. 14:98-03.

Dickman, M.B., Y.K. Park, T. Oltersdorf, T. Clemente, and R. French. 2001. Abrogation of disease development in plants expressing animal antiapoptotic genes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 98:6957-6962.

Farrand, S, T. Clemente and P. Staswick 2001. Counter selection strategy for gram negative bacteria U.S. Patent Application.

Clemente, T., T. Buhr and P. Staswick. 2001. Down-regulation of single genes and simultaneous down-regulation of multiple genes by nuclear localization of RNA transcripts. U.S. Patent Application

Staswick, P. Z, Zhang, T. Clemente, and J. Specht. 2001. Efficient down regulation of the major vegetative storage protein genes in transgenic soybean does not compromise plant productivity. Plant Physiol. 127:1819-1826.

Fei, S., T. Yu, T. Clemente, and T. Riordan. 2001. Nodal segment explant as a potential target for the genetic engineering of buffalograss. Int. Turgrass Soc. Res. J. 9:165-168.

Lee, T-J, D. Coyne, T. Clemente, and A. Mitra. 2002. Partial resistance to bacterial wilt in transgenic tomato plants expressing non-plant antibacterial lactoferrin gene. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 127:158-164.

Buhr, T, S. Sato, F. Ebrahim, A. Xing, Y. Zhou, M. Mathiesen, B. Schweiger, A. Kinney, P. Staswick, T. Clemente. 2002. Ribozyme termination of RNA transcripts down-regulate seed fatty acid genes in transgenic soybean. Plant J. 30:155-163.

Ebmeier, A., L. Allison, H. Cerutti, and T. Clemente. 2004 Evaluation of the Escherichia coli threonine deaminase gene as a selectable marker for plant transformation. Planta 218:751-758.

Sato, S., T. Clemente, and I. Dweikat. 2003. Identification of an elite sorghum genotype with high in vitro performance capacity. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.- Plant 40:57-60.

Sato, S., A. Xing, X. Ye, B. Schweiger, A. Kinney, G. Graef, and T. Clemente. 2004. Production of δ-linolenic acid and stearidonic acid in seeds of marker-free transgenic soybean. Crop Sci. 44:646-652.

Piller, K., T. Clemente, S. M. Jun, C. C. Petty, S. Sato, D. W. Pascual, and K. L. Bost. 2004. Expression and immunogenicity of an E. coli K99 fimbriae subunit in soybean. Planta. In press.

Jones, R. W., M. Ospina-Giraldo, and T. Clemente. 2004. Prosystemin-antimicrobial- peptide fusion reduces tomato late blight lesion expansion Mol. Breeding 14:83-89.

Kinney, A. J. and T. Clemente 2005. Modifying soybean oil for enhanced performance in biodiesel blends. Fuel Process. Technol. 86:1137-1147.

Piller, K., T. Clemente, S. M. Jun, C. C. Petty, S. Sato, D. W. Pascual, and K. L. Bost. 2005. Expression and immunogenicity of an E. coli K99 fimbriae subunit in soybean. Planta. 222:6-18.

Vasconcelos, M., H. Eckert, V. Arahana, G. Graef, M. A. Grusak, and T. Clemente. 2006. Molecular and phenotypic characterization of transgenic soybean expressing the Arabidopsis ferric chelate reductase gene, FRO2. Planta. 224:1116-1128.

Eckert, H., B. LaVallee, B. J. Schweiger, A. J. Kinney, E. B. Cahoon, and T. Clemente. 2006. Co-expression of the borage ∆6 desaturase and the Arabidopsis ∆15 desaturase results in high accumulation of stearidonic acid in the seeds of transgenic soybean. Planta. 224:1050-1057

Clemente, T. Nicotiana (Nicotiana tobaccum, Nicotiana benthamiana). 2006 Methods Mol. Biol. 343:143-154.

Qu, F., X. Ye, G. Hou, S. Sato, T. E. Clemente, and T. J. Morris. 2005 RDR6 has a broad-spectrum but temperature-dependent antiviral defense role in Nicotiana benthamiana. J. Virol. 79:15209-15217.

Sato, S., A. Xing, X. Ye, B. Schweiger, A. Kinney, G. Graef, and T. Clemente. 2004. Production of γ-linolenic acid and stearidonic acid in seeds of marker- free transgenic soybean. Crop Sci. 44:646-652

Ebmeier, A., L. Allison, H. Cerutti, and T. Clemente. 2004 Evaluation of the Escherichia coli threonine deaminase gene as a selectable marker for plant transformation. Planta 218:751-758.

Howe, A., S. Sato, I. Dweikat, M. Fromm, and T. Clemente. 2006. Rapid and reproducible Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of sorghum. Plant Cell Rep. 25:784-791

Garg, R., M. Tolbert, J.L. Oakes, T. E. Clemente, K.L. Bost, and K.J. Piller. 2007. Chloroplast targeting of FanC, the major antigenic subunit of Escherichia coli K99 fimbriae, in transgenic soybean. Plant Cell Rep. In press

Xu, W., S.J. Sato, T.E. Clemente, and R. Chollet. 2007. The PEP-carboxylase kinase gene family in Glycine max (GmPpcK1-4): an in-depth molecular analysis with nodulated, non-transgenic and transgenic plants. Plant J. 49:910-923.

Behrens, M. R., N. Mutlu, S. Chakraborty, R. Dumitru, W.-H. Jiang, B. J. LaVallee, P. L. Herman, T. E. Clemente and D. P. Weeks. 2007 Dicamba resistance: Enlarging and preserving biotechnology-based weed management strategies. Science 316:1185-1188.

Tat, M. E., P. S. Wang, J. H. Van Gerpen, and T. E. Clemente. 2007. Exhaust emissions from an engine fueled with biodiesel from high-oleic soybeans. J. Am. Oil Chem Soc. 84:865-869.

Garg, R., M. Tolbert, J. L. Oakes, T. E. Clemente, K. L. Bost, K. J. Piller. 2007. Chloroplast targeting of FanC, the major antigenic subunit of Escherichia coli K99 fimbriae, in transgenic soybean. Plant Cell Rep. 26:1011-1023.

Fu, J., I. Momcilovic, T. E. Clemente, N. Nersesian, H. N. Trick, and Z. Ristic. 2008. Heterologous expression of a plastid EF-Tu reduces protein thermal aggregation and enhances CO2 fixation in wheat (Triticum aestivum) following heat stress. Plant Mol. Biol. 68:277-288.

Mathieu, M., E. K. Winters, F. Kong, J. Wan, S. Wang, H. Eckert, D. Luth, M. Paz, C. Donovan, Z. Zhang, D. Somers, K. Wang, H. Nguyen, R. C. Shoemaker, G. Stacey, and T. Clemente. 2008. Establishment of a soybean (Glycine max Merr. L.) transposon-based mutagenesis repository. Planta. 229:279-289.

Graef, G., B. J. LaVallee, P. Tenopir, M. E. Tat, B. J. Schweiger, A. J. Kinney, J. Van Gerpen, and T. E. Clemente. 2009. A high oleic acid and low palmitic acid soybean: Agronomic performance and evaluation as a feedstock for biodiesel. Plant Biotechnol. J. 7:411-421.

Clemente, T. E. and E. B. Cahoon. 2009. Soybean Oil: Genetic approaches for modification of functionality and total content. Plant Physiol. 151:1030-1040.

Sattarzadeh, A., J. Fuller, S. Moguel, K. Wostrikoff, S. Sato, S. Covshoff, T. Clemente, M. Hanson, and D. B. Stern. 2010. Transgenic maize lines with cell-type specific expression of fluorescent proteins in plastids. Plant Biotechnol. J. 8:112-125.

Block, A., M. Guo, G. Li, C. Elowsky, T. E. Clemente, and J. R. Alfano. 2010. The Pseudomonas syringae type III effector HopG1 targets mitochondria, alters plant development, and suppresses plant innate immunity. Cellular Microbiol. 12:318-330

Cook, D., A. M. Rimando, T. E. Clemente, J. Schroder, F. E. Dayan, D. Nanayakkara, Z. Pan, B. P. Noonan, M. Fishbein, I. Abe, S. O. Duke, and S. R. Baerson. 2010. Alkylresorcinol synthases expressed in Sorghum bicolor root hairs play an essential role in the biosynthesis of the allelopathic benzoquinone sorgoleone. Plant Cell 22:867-887.

Wang, P. S., J. Thompson, T. E. Clemente, and J. H. Van Gerpen. 2010. Improving the fuel properties of soy biodiesel. Transactions of the ASABE. 53:1853-1858.

Lu, C., J. A. Napier, T. E. Clemente, and E. B. Cahoon. 2011. New frontiers in oilseed biotechnology: meeting the global demand for vegetable oils for food, feed, biofuel, and industrial applications. Curr. Opin Biotechnol. 22:1-8.

Mall, T. K., I. Dweikat, S. J. Sato, N. Neresian, K. Xu, Z. Ge, D. Wang, T. Elthon, and T. Clemente. 2011. Expression of the rice CDPK-7 in sorghum: molecular and phenotypic analyses Plant Mol Biol 75:467-479.

Zhang, X., S. Sato, X. Ye, A. E. Dorrance, T. J. Morris, T. E. Clemente, and F. Qu. 2011. Robust RNAi-based resistance to mixed infection of three viruses in soybean plants expressing separate short hairpins from a single transgene. Phytopathology 101:1264-1269.

Xu, Y.-Z., M. P. Arrieta-Montiel, K. S. Virdi, W. B. M. de Paula, J. R. Widhalm, G. J. Basset, J. I. Davila, T. E. Elthon, C. G. Elowsky, S. J. Sato, T. E. Clemente, and S. A. Mackenzie. 2011. MutS HOMOLOG1 is a nucleoid protein that alters mitochondrial and plastid properties and plant response to high light. Plant Cell 23:3428-3441.

Kumar, T., I. Dweikat, S. Sato, Z. Ge, N. Nersesian, H. Chen, T. Elthon, S. Bean, P. Ioerger, M. Tilley, and T. Clemente. 2012. Modulation of kernel storage proteins in grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Plant Biotechnol J. 10:533-544.

Howe, E. S., T. E. Clemente, and H. W. Bass. 2012. Maize histone H2B-mCherry: A fluorescent chromatin marker for somatic and meiotic chromosome research. DNA and Cell Biology 31:925-938.

Xu, Y.-Z., R. de la Rosa Santamaria, K. S. Virdi, M. P. Arrieta-Montiel, F. Razvi, S. Li, G. Ren, B. Yu, D. Alexander, L. Guo, X. Feng, I. M. Dweikat, T. E. Clemente, and S. A. Mackenzie. 2012. The chloroplast triggers developmental reprogramming when MUTS HOMOLOG1 is suppressed in plants. Plant Physiol.159:710-720.

Lin, Z., X. Li, L. M. Shannon, C.-T. Yeh, M. L. Wang, G. Bai, Z. Peng, J. Li, H. N. Trick, T. E. Clemente, J. Doebley, P. S. Schnable, M. R. Tuinstra, T. T. Tesso, F. White, and J. Yu. 2012. Parallel domestication of the Shattering1 genes in cereals. Nat Genet 44:720-724.

Bihmidine, S., J. Lin, J. M. Stone, T. Awada, J. E. Specht, and T. E. Clemente. 2012. Activity of the Arabidopsis RD29A and RD29B promoter elements in soybean under water stress. Planta DOI:10.1007/s00425-012-1740-9.

Wostrikoff, K. A. Clark, S. Sato, T. Clemente, and D. Stern 2012. Ectopic expression of rubisco subunits in maize mesophyll cells does not overcome barriers to cell type specific accumulation. Plant Physiol. 160:419-432.

Cook, D. E., T. G. Lee, X. Guo, S. Melito, K. Wang, A. M. Bayless, J. Wang, T. J. Hughs, D. K. Willis, T. E. Clemente, B. W. Diers, J. Jiang, M. E. Hudson, and A. F. Bent. 2012. Copy number variation of multiple genes at Rhg1 mediates nematode resistance in soybean. Science 338:1206-1209.